Our Family Documents

John Walker Succession - 1840 12

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Amt. Brot. Forward$2750.00

4th - A negro boy named Gabriel aged about sixteen years appraised at seven hundred dollars700.00

5th - A negro woman named Aime aged about twenty years with her child a girl named Eliza about four months old appraised together at seven hundred dollars700.00

6th - A work ox, cow, heiffer & yearling appraised at fifty two dollars52.00

7th - A horse appraised at forty dollars40.00

8th - A lot of ploughs, hay & axes appraised at eight dollars8.00

9th - Two beds &furniture appraised at fifty dollars50.00

10th - Three common tables appraised at eight dollars8.00

11th - A lot of old chairs appraised at four dollars4.00

12th - A jar appraised at three dollars3.00

13th - A Ferry flat appraised at fifteen dollars15.00

14th - About fifteen head of hogs appraised at thirty five dollars35.00

16th - A tract of land situated in the aforesaid parish and lying on the right bank of Bayou Boeuf bounded on the upper side by land of Alexander Morrison & on the lower side by the improvement of [Dow] O'Banion containing about eighty superficial acres appraised at eight hundred dollars800.00


Amount carried forward$5165.00