My Whittington Family
[ Surname INDEX ] [ Download PDF File ]
Fourth Generation
16. James A. WHITTINGTON (Cornelius3, John Jr.2, John Sr.1) was born about 1775 in Cheraw District, South Carolina and died in 1838 in Amite County, Mississippi about age 63.
James married Sarah JACKSON [MRIN: 366] in 1796 in Georgia. Sarah was born about 1780 in Georgia and died in Aug 1855 in Amite County, Mississippi about age 75.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 39 M i. Wiley WHITTINGTON was born about 1798.
Wiley married Evelina BUTLER [MRIN: 384] on 2 Feb 1819.
+ 40 F ii. Stacey WHITTINGTON .
Stacey married John JENKINS [MRIN: 385] on 2 Feb 1822.
+ 41 M iii. Cornelius WHITTINGTON .
Cornelius married Aisley DUNN [MRIN: 387] on 15 Dec 1828.
+ 42 M iv. Milton WHITTINGTON .
Milton married Polly Louisa JENKINS [MRIN: 388] on 11 May 1822.
+ 43 M v. Jackson WHITTINGTON .
Jackson married Susannah MONTGOMERY [MRIN: 389] on 29 Nov 1827.
+ 44 F vi. Catherine WHITTINGTON .
Catherine married Wright SEALE [MRIN: 391] on 5 Feb 1843.
+ 45 M vii. Martin WHITTINGTON .
Martin married ??? ARNOLD [MRIN: 392] before 1830.
+ 46 M viii. Isaiah WHITTINGTON .
Isaiah married Delilah PITCHFORD [MRIN: 393] on 3 Feb 1831.
+ 47 M ix. Noah WHITTINGTON .
Noah married Nancy STEELE [MRIN: 394].
Noah next married Katty PARKER [MRIN: 395].
+ 48 M x. Elam WHITTINGTON was born on 15 Jul 1814.
Elam married Elizabeth JACKSON [MRIN: 396] (b. 3 Oct 1810) on 6 Jul 1837.
+ 49 M xi. Arthur R. WHITTINGTON .
Arthur married Orra Heard BUTLER [MRIN: 397] (b. 22 Aug 1825, d. 21 May 1912) on 29 Jul 1844.
+ 50 F xii. Ann A. WHITTINGTON .
Ann married B. F. BALLANCE [MRIN: 398] on 4 May 1841.
+ 51 F xiii. Mary M. WHITTINGTON .
Mary married Elihu W. PARKER [MRIN: 367] on 9 Jan 1840.
+ 52 F xiv. Amelia R. WHITTINGTON was born about 1821 in Amite County, Mississippi.
Amelia married Jordan W. WHITTINGTON [MRIN: 374] (b. Abt 1820) on 23 Nov 1848.
(Duplicate Line. See Person 30)
+ 53 M xv. Levi WHITTINGTON was born in 1827.
17. John WHITTINGTON (Cornelius3, John Jr.2, John Sr.1) was born about 1779 in South Carolina and died about 1840 in Scott County, Mississippi about age 61.
John married Chloe MERCER [MRIN: 400] in 1802 in Georgia. Chloe was born about 1773 in Georgia and died about 1817 in Scott County, Mississippi about age 44.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 54 M i. Ephraim WHITTINGTON was born about 1803 in Georgia and died in 1860 in Lee County, Mississippi about age 57.
Ephraim married Mary STRANGE [MRIN: 401] on 31 Jul 1823.
+ 55 M ii. Byrd WHITTINGTON was born on 23 Mar 1807 and died on 6 Jun 1886 in Texas at age 79.
Byrd married Sarah GOYNES [MRIN: 402] on 27 Nov 1826.
+ 56 M iii. James Elam WHITTINGTON was born in 1809.
James married Ella Sharp WILLIAMS [MRIN: 403] in 1809.
+ 57 M iv. Thomas WHITTINGTON was born about 1811.
+ 58 F v. Rebecca WHITTINGTON was born about 1813.
+ 59 F vi. Fannie WHITTINGTON was born about 1815.
Fannie married STAFFORD [MRIN: 404].
+ 60 M vii. Moses WHITTINGTON was born about 1817.
Moses married ??? YOUNGBLOOD [MRIN: 405].
Moses next married Margaret STUCKER [MRIN: 406].
+ 61 F viii. Jane WHITTINGTON was born about 1819.
Jane married WALKER [MRIN: 407].
18. Mary Louisa WHITTINGTON (Cornelius3, John Jr.2, John Sr.1) was born about 1781 in Georgia and died in 1863 in Amite County, Mississippi about age 82. Another name for Mary was Mary Louise WHITTINGTON.
Mary married Richard WHITTINGTON [MRIN: 423] in Apr 1798 in Hancock County, Georgia. Richard was born on 15 Jan 1753 in Albemarle County, Virginia and died on 14 May 1835 in Amite County, Mississippi at age 82.
General Notes: Resided in Cheraw District South Carolina. After the war to Hancock County
Georgia then on to Mississippi in 1805. Richard was a cousin of Grief and
Jarret Whittington.
(copied from Richard Whittington RW pension request 17 Jun 1833)
He hereby further declares that he has no Documentary evidence of his claim nor can he procure
any testimony of any living witness to the truth of his statement except the annexed Certificate made by
Grief Whittington.
He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to any pension or annuity except the present and
he declares that his name is not on the Pension Roll of any agency in any State.
S/ Richd Whittington
(Duplicate Line. See Person 6)
Mary next married William WHITTINGTON [MRIN: 424]. William was born in 1728.
(Duplicate Line. See Person 4)
19. Aaron WHITTINGTON (Cornelius3, John Jr.2, John Sr.1) was born about 1783 in Georgia and died after 1860 in Leake County, Mississippi.
Aaron married Elizabeth CAUSEY [MRIN: 408] on 27 Aug 1811 in Amite County, Mississippi. Elizabeth was born about 1785 in Amite County, Mississippi and died in 1867 about age 82.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 62 M i. Franklin WHITTINGTON .
+ 63 M ii. James Anderson WHITTINGTON .
+ 64 F iii. Elizabeth WHITTINGTON .
20. Winifred WHITTINGTON (Cornelius3, John Jr.2, John Sr.1) was born in 1784 in Georgia. Other names for Winifred were Winnie and Winnie WHITTINGTON.
General Notes: [Walkerxx.FTW]
Winnie was named in her father's will in 1837.
Winifred married Grief WHITTINGTON [MRIN: 503] on 15 Mar 1816 in Liberty, Amite County, Mississippi. Grief was born about 1762 in Albemarle County, Virginia and died about 1849 in Franklin County, Mississippi about age 87.
General Notes: Greif was a cousin of Jarrett and Richard Whittington.
Born in Virginia and raised in South Carolina. May have married in Marion, South Carolina.
He fought in the Revolutionary War and applied for a pension afterwards. He drew his last pension in September, 1848. He must have died soon after.
(copied from Greif Whittington RW pension request)
For the purpose of obtaining the amount of pay Accruing me for the half-year ending on the 3rd day of September 1828, under the Act entitled "An Act for the relief of certain Surviving Officers and Soldiers of the Army of the Revolution" approved the 15th May 1828 I Grief Whittington of Zion Hill Settlement, in the County of Amite, in the State of Mississippi do hereby declare that I was a private Soldier in the South Carolina Troops of the Infantry of the Army of the Revolution in the Continental line, and that I believe that on examination of the proper records, I shall be found entitled, by the Secretary of the Treasury under that act, to the pay of a Soldier in the said line. Witness my hand this 5th day of December in the year 1828.
Sworn to before made the 5th of December 1828
S/ Isaiah Cain, JP S/ Grief Whittington
(Duplicate Line. See Person 15)
21. Moses WHITTINGTON (Cornelius3, John Jr.2, John Sr.1) was born about 1788 in Georgia and died about 1850 in Poss, Amite County, Mississippi about age 62.
Moses married Elizabeth JENKINS [MRIN: 410] on 27 Dec 1808 in Amite County, Mississippi. Elizabeth was born about 1789 in Amite County, Mississippi and died before 1840.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 65 M i. James WHITTINGTON died in 1835.
+ 66 M ii. William Judson WHITTINGTON was born on 16 Mar 1818 in Rankin County, Mississippi and died on 16 Apr 1891 in Gloster, Amite County, Mississippi at age 73.
William married Evelyn BOWLIN [MRIN: 411].
+ 67 M iii. Arter WHITTINGTON .
+ 68 F iv. Nancy WHITTINGTON .
Nancy married William A. MONTGOMERY [MRIN: 414]. (b. 15 Jul 1844, d. 1877)
+ 69 F v. Minerva WHITTINGTON .
Minerva married John WILSON [MRIN: 416].
+ 70 F vi. Adoline WHITTINGTON .
Adoline married Willis LOWE [MRIN: 417].
+ 71 F vii. Victoria WHITTINGTON .
Victoria married David McGRAW [MRIN: 418].
+ 72 M viii. Moses WHITTINGTON Jr. died in 1837.
+ 73 M ix. John WHITTINGTON .
+ 74 F x. Rebecca WHITTINGTON .
Rebecca married Byrd WILLIAMS [MRIN: 413].
22. Sarah WHITTINGTON (Cornelius3, John Jr.2, John Sr.1) was born about 1791 in Wilkes County, Georgia and died before 1849 in Scott County, Mississippi.
Sarah married Thomas Eli MERCER [MRIN: 419] about 1809. Thomas was born about 1793 in Wilkes County, Georgia and died in Sep 1835 in Copiah County, Mississippi about age 42.
The child from this marriage was:
+ 75 F i. Penelope MERCER was born about 1811.
Penelope married Gail BORDEN [MRIN: 420] in Amite County, Mississippi.
23. Susannah WHITTINGTON (Cornelius3, John Jr.2, John Sr.1) was born about 1793 in Hancock County, Georgia and died after 1860 in Amite County, Mississippi.
Susannah married William CAUSEY Jr. [MRIN: 362] on 8 Jun 1809 in Amite County, Mississippi. William was born in Jun 1785 in Suffolk, Nansemond County, Virginia and died in Oct 1867 in Amite County, Mississippi at age 82.
General Notes: William was in the Revolutionary War. He was a Capt. 14 Bn Caroline Co. Mil.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 76 F i. Sarah S. CAUSEY .
+ 77 M ii. William CAUSEY III .
+ 78 F iii. Josephus Flavius CAUSEY .
+ 79 F iv. Rebecca Ann CAUSEY .
+ 80 M v. Thomas O. CAUSEY was born on 17 Jan 1778 in Suffolk, Nansemond County, Virginia and died on 11 Mar 1853 in Amite County, Mississippi at age 75.
Thomas married Orra Heard BUTLER [MRIN: 399] (b. 22 Aug 1825, d. 21 May 1912) on 26 Mar 1841 in Amite County, Mississippi.
Thomas next married Martha WEB [MRIN: 369] (d. 27 Dec 1866) on 11 Mar 1803 in South Carolina.
24. Rebecca WHITTINGTON (Cornelius3, John Jr.2, John Sr.1) was born about 1795 in Washington, Wilkes County, Georgia.
Rebecca married Benjamin HUFF [MRIN: 1051].
Rebecca next married Elisha FREEMAN [MRIN: 422] on 11 Sep 1829 in Georgia. Elisha was born in Virginia.
25. Elam WHITTINGTON (Cornelius3, John Jr.2, John Sr.1) was born about 1798 in Georgia.
Elam married Stacy CASSITY [MRIN: 520]. Stacy was born about 1808.
26. Elhannon W. WHITTINGTON (Richard3, John Jr.2, John Sr.1) died about 1869 in Louisiana.
General Notes: He died before the 1870 census since Thruly was living with her daughter Sarah Jane and Willis Whatley.
Elhannon married Thruly Ann WHITTINGTON [MRIN: 555] on 26 May 1840 in Bayou Chicot, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana. Thruly was born in 1824 in Bayou Chicot, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana and died in 1875 in Bayou Chicot, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana at age 51. Other names for Thruly were Thuly, Thruly ANN, and Thruly Ann WHITTINGTON.
General Notes: The following CD lists Thurly's name as "Thruly" and Elhannon as "Elchanon W."
Printed from GRS 3.03, Copyright (c) 1994 Automated Archives, Inc. Page 1
Marriage Index: Selected Counties of Louisiana, 1718-1925
CD 1, Sept 1994 Edition
LA Marriages, St. Landry Parish Records - (1772-1891)
Screen 311 of 330
Thuly Whittington was living with her daughter Sarah Jane Whittington Whatley in the
1870 Census. Sarah Jane was married to Willis Whatley and they were my maternal
great grandparents.
The child from this marriage was:
+ 81 F i. Sarah Jane WHITTINGTON was born on 8 Jan 1842 in Bayou Chicot, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana and died on 8 Oct 1898 in Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana at age 56.
Sarah married Willis Elijah S. WHATLEY Sr. [MRIN: 258] (b. 12 Oct 1824, d. 28 Jan 1880) on 11 Oct 1859 in Bayou Chicot, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana.
27. Lucy WHITTINGTON (Richard3, John Jr.2, John Sr.1) was born about 1800 and died before 1837.
Lucy married Lowrey ELLIS [MRIN: 1035]. Lowrey was born about 1790 in Virginia.
28. Martin Wade WHITTINGTON (Richard3, John Jr.2, John Sr.1) was born about 1804 in Hancock County, Georgia and died on 3 Jan 1891 in Amite County, Mississippi about age 87.
Martin married Mary Polly FREEMAN [MRIN: 1043]. Mary was born about 1807 in South Carolina and died about 1863 about age 56.
29. Evalina WHITTINGTON (Richard3, John Jr.2, John Sr.1) was born about 1812 in Mississippi.
Evalina married Stephen RICHEY [MRIN: 1038]. Stephen was born about 1811 in Rapides Parish, Louisiana.
30. Jordan W. WHITTINGTON (Richard3, John Jr.2, John Sr.1) was born about 1820 in Amite County, Mississippi.
Jordan married Amelia R. WHITTINGTON [MRIN: 374] on 23 Nov 1848. Amelia was born about 1821 in Amite County, Mississippi. Another name for Amelia was Millie WHITTINGTON.
The child from this marriage was:
+ 82 F i. Lucy WHITTINGTON was born in 1849.
31. Mary K. WHITTINGTON (Richard3, John Jr.2, John Sr.1).
Mary married Gray ANDERS [MRIN: 1037].
32. Mary WHITTINGTON (Richard3, John Jr.2, John Sr.1).
Mary married Joseph RUSK [MRIN: 1039].
33. Caroline WHITTINGTON (Richard3, John Jr.2, John Sr.1).
Caroline married Mathew LYNCH [MRIN: 1040].
34. Nancy WHITTINGTON (Richard3, John Jr.2, John Sr.1) was born about 1824 in Mississippi.
Nancy married John Crockett FREEMAN [MRIN: 1041]. John was born on 10 Apr 1819 in Mississippi and died about 1863 in Mississippi about age 44.
35. Noah WHITTINGTON (Richard3, John Jr.2, John Sr.1).
36. John WHITTINGTON (Grief3, Edward2, John Sr.1) was born on 24 Mar 1799 in Marion, Marion County, South Carolina and died on 24 Sep 1877 in Bayou Chicot, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana at age 78. Another name for John was John W WHITTINGTON.
General Notes: Information on John Whittington and Sarah Nelson and family members came from:
Everton's Family File - Vol 2-3, 1400s-Present
Information in Everton's File was compiled by:
Lenora Howell
HC-60 Box 329
Jena, La 71342
23 June 1986
Information on John Whittington and Angelina Franques and family members came from:
Document # 31434
Everton's Family File - Vol 2-3, 1400s-Present
Information in Everton's File was compiled by:
Lenora Howell
HC-60 Box 329
Jena, La 71342
23 June 1986
There were two Sara[h]s on the 1850 St. Landry census for John Whittington. Sarah Ann b. 1828 and this Sara b. 1842. Sarah Nelson Whittington was not on the census.
John married Sarah NELSON [MRIN: 494] on 20 Sep 1817 in Liberty, Amite County, Mississippi. Sarah was born on 3 Jun 1800 in South Carolina and died on 4 May 1857 in Bayou Chicot, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana at age 56.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 83 F i. Frances WHITTINGTON was born on 9 Dec 1818 in Mississippi and died before 1880 in Bayou Chicot, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana.
Frances married Thomas Jefferson WALKER [MRIN: 15] (b. 24 Jan 1822, d. 28 Jan 1858) on 27 Feb 1841 in Bayou Chicot, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana.
+ 84 M ii. McKennion WHITTINGTON was born on 26 Apr 1820 in Bayou Chicot, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana and died before 1900 in Bayou Chicot, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana.
McKennion married Lenora Lee MONTGOMERY [MRIN: 650] (b. 30 May 1829, d. 18 Feb 1863) about 1852.
McKennion next married Elizabeth Jane SALMON [MRIN: 551] (b. May 1840) on 7 Oct 1863 in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana.
+ 85 F iii. Thruly Ann WHITTINGTON was born in 1824 in Bayou Chicot, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana and died in 1875 in Bayou Chicot, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana at age 51.
Thruly married Elhannon W. WHITTINGTON [MRIN: 555] (d. Abt 1869) on 26 May 1840 in Bayou Chicot, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana.
(Duplicate Line. See Person 26)
+ 86 F iv. Sarah Ann WHITTINGTON was born about 1832 in Bayou Chicot, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, died on 3 Mar 1899 in Eola, Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana about age 67, and was buried in Eola, Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana.
Sarah married Warren Montgomery FERGUSON [MRIN: 280] (b. Abt 1829, d. Abt 1864) on 17 Nov 1849 in Newton, Newton County, Texas.
+ 87 F v. Eustasia Mary WHITTINGTON was born about 1833 in Bayou Chicot, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana.
Eustasia married Leonard WHITE [MRIN: 552].
+ 88 M vi. John G. WHITTINGTON was born about 1835 in Bayou Chicot, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana and died about 1863 about age 28.
John married Ellen Susan ELLIIOT [MRIN: 562] (b. 10 Mar 1839, d. 30 Jan 1919) on 26 Nov 1855 in Newton, Newton County, Texas.
+ 89 M vii. Thomas G. WHITTINGTON was born about 1837 in Bayou Chicot, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana.
+ 90 F viii. Caroline Lucinda WHITTINGTON was born on 1 Apr 1839 in Bayou Chicot, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana and died in 1870 in Bayou Chicot, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana at age 31.
Caroline married Clinton Heath FERGUSON [MRIN: 563] (b. 7 Jun 1834, d. 24 Mar 1917) on 23 Jan 1856 in Jasper, Jasper County, Texas.
+ 91 F ix. Mercy Ann WHITTINGTON was born on 5 Dec 1841 in Bayou Chicot, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana and died on 20 Apr 1900 in Bayou Chicot, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana at age 58.
Mercy married Thomas Robinson CARROLL [MRIN: 1048]. (b. 3 Oct 1838, d. 25 Mar 1918)
Mercy next married Thomas A. FUTCH [MRIN: 556] (d. Abt 1862) on 12 Mar 1862 in Bayou Chicot, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana.
+ 92 F x. Sara WHITTINGTON was born about 1842 in Bayou Chicot, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana.
John next married Angelina FRANQUEZ [MRIN: 495] on 6 Jan 1859 in Rapides Parish, Louisiana. Angelina was born on 11 Oct 1844 in Louisiana and died on 13 Aug 1867 in St. Landry, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana at age 22.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 93 F i. Emily WHITTINGTON was born on 31 Dec 1859 in Bayou Chicot, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana.
Emily married L. C. CUDD [MRIN: 560] on 20 Dec 1875.
+ 94 F ii. Ophelia WHITTINGTON was born on 19 May 1861 in Lacompte, Rapides Parish, Louisiana and died on 30 Jul 1930 in Port Arthur, Jefferson County, Texas at age 69.
Ophelia married Tobias WHITTINGTON [MRIN: 477] (b. Abt 1854) on 29 Mar 1877 in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana.
+ 95 M iii. William WHITTINGTON was born on 25 Feb 1863 in Bayou Chicot, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, died about 1939 about age 76, and was buried in Science Hill Cemetery.
William married Nancy C. DERAMUS [MRIN: 561] (b. Abt 1866) on 11 Feb 1886 in Bayou Chicot, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana.
+ 96 F iv. Matilda WHITTINGTON was born on 2 May 1864 in Bayou Chicot, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana.
+ 97 M v. Elisha WHITTINGTON was born in Bayou Chicot, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana.
37. Elisha WHITTINGTON (Grief3, Edward2, John Sr.1) was born about 1804 in South Carolina.
General Notes: Elisha Whittington Amnesty Oath - August 7, 1865
Amnesty Oath
Headquarters, Department of the Gulf
Washington, La.
August 7, 1865
I, Elisha Whittington, do solemnly swear, in presence of almighty God,
that I will henceforth faithfully support, protect and defend the Constitution of
the United States and the Union of the states thereunder; and that I will, in like
manner, abide by and faithfully support laws and proclamations which have been
made during the existing rebellion with reference to the emancipation of slaves.
So help me God.
[signed] Elisha Whittington
Sworn to and subscribed at Washington, La.
this 7th day of August
1865, before me:
Pre___ Brown
2nd Lt., 787th Reg., U.S.A.I.
Provost Marshall
Age: 61
Height: 6 feet 2 inches
Color of eyes: Hazel
Color of hair: Grey
Headquarters, United States Forces, Wahsington, La., August 7, 1865
I hereby certify that the Amnesty Oath prescribed by the Proclamation of the
President of the United States, was duly administered to Elisha Whittingtion, of
St. Landry, La. by my order, this 7 day of August, 1865.
Robt. F. Atkins
Lt. Col., 787th Reg, U.S.A.I.
Amnesty Oath
Elisha married Malina DALTON [MRIN: 723] on 7 Jul 1824 in Bayou Chicot, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana.
Elisha next married Mary MILAM [MRIN: 454] on 7 Jul 1824.
Elisha next married Lucinda FUTCH [MRIN: 453] on 18 Jul 1836 in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana. Lucinda was born about 1818 in Mississippi. Another name for Lucinda was Malina DALTON.
General Notes: Elizabeth Futch, age 83, born in South Carolina, was living with Elisha Whittington and Lucinda in the 1880 St. Landry Parish census. She was listed as his mother-in-law, so this makes her the mother of Lucinda and provides a last name of Futch for Lucinda.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 98 F i. Elizabeth WHITTINGTON was born about 1849 in Mississippi.
+ 99 M ii. Mordilla WHITTINGTON was born about 1850 in Louisiana.
Mordilla married Elizabeth PENNY [MRIN: 471] on 11 Dec 1869 in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana.
+ 100 F iii. Leona C. WHITTINGTON was born on 23 Aug 1851 in Louisiana and died on 21 Feb 1922 at age 70.
Leona married Charles Martin WILLIS [MRIN: 490] on 14 Aug 1876 in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana.
+ 101 M iv. Tobias WHITTINGTON was born about 1854 in Louisiana.
Tobias married Ophelia WHITTINGTON [MRIN: 477] (b. 19 May 1861, d. 30 Jul 1930) on 29 Mar 1877 in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana.
(Duplicate Line. See Person 94)
+ 102 F v. Mary Lavinia WHITTINGTON was born about 1856 in Louisiana.
Mary married Tarpley JENKINS [MRIN: 550] on 19 Jan 1874 in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana.
+ 103 M vi. Thomas J. WHITTINGTON was born about 1858 in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana and died about 1898 in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana about age 40.
Thomas married Mobelia BRYANT [MRIN: 482] (b. 15 Nov 1859, d. 30 Jun 1928) on 21 Oct 1880 in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana.
+ 104 F vii. Sarah Viola WHITTINGTON was born about 1860 in Opelousas, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana.
+ 105 M viii. Ethan A. WHITTINGTON was born about 1864 in Louisiana, died on 12 Sep 1941 in Bayou Chicot, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana about age 77, and was buried in Vandenburg Cemetery, Bayou Chicot, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana.
Ethan married Effie WHITTINGTON [MRIN: 204] (b. Abt 1888, d. Abt 1912) about 1904 in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana.
Ethan next married Melissa ROBERTS [MRIN: 465]. (b. Abt 1862, d. Abt 1901)
38. Nathaniel Green WHITTINGTON (Grief3, Edward2, John Sr.1) was born on 20 Feb 1810 in Amite County, Mississippi and died in Dec 1879 in Bayou Chicot, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana at age 69.
General Notes: Green Whittington - head of houshold
1870 Census - Fourth Ward, Bayou Chicot, St. Landry Parish
Page 8
(1) 51 (2) 52 (3) Whittington, Green (4) 60 (5) M (6) W (7) Farmer (8) 100 (9) 100 (10) South Carolina (16-17)
" Delaney ................. 35 .....F ......W ......Keeping House ...................................Louisiana Cannot read or write
" Aurelia .................... 9 .....F......W .....................................Louisiana
" William N. .............. 6 .....M .....W ...... ...............................Louisiana
" Leander G. .............. 5 ......F ......W ...... ...............................Louisiana
" Dempsy ................. 2 .......M .....W ...... ...............................Louisiana
Nathaniel married Delaney Ann BASS [MRIN: 982] on 3 Jan 1859 in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana. Delaney was born on 20 Aug 1835 in Bayou Chicot, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, died on 23 Aug 1920 in St. Landry, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana at age 85, and was buried in Vandenburg Cemetery, Bayou Chicot, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana. Another name for Delaney was Delaney Ann BASS.
Marriage Notes: [Walkerxx.FTW]
Seven children.
General Notes: The 1880 St. Landry census has Delaney as "Laney" and she was head of household as a widow.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 106 F i. Orelia WHITTINGTON was born about 1860 in Bayou Chicot, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana and died on 12 Jan 1928 in Evangeline Parish, Louisiana about age 68.
Orelia married James Charles CLOUD Sr. [MRIN: 999]. (b. 22 Jun 1865, d. 12 Jul 1937)
+ 107 M ii. William N. WHITTINGTON was born about 1864 in Louisiana.
+ 108 M iii. Leander G. WHITTINGTON was born in Sep 1866 in Bayou Chicot, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, died on 30 Jan 1951 in Turkey Creek, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana at age 84, and was buried in Vandenburg Cemetery, Bayou Chicot, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana.
+ 109 M iv. Dempsy Charles WHITTINGTON was born on 16 Apr 1868 in Bayou Chicot, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, died on 16 Apr 1963 in New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana at age 95, and was buried in Bayou Rouge Cemetery, Evergreen, Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana.
Dempsy married Mary Ellen HAYNES [MRIN: 549] on 11 Apr 1889 in Marksville, Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana.
+ 110 M v. Baldwin Hanes WHITTINGTON was born on 3 Oct 1870 in Bayou Chicot, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, died on 26 Oct 1922 in Turkey Creek, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana at age 52, and was buried in Vandenburg Cemetery, Bayou Chicot, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana.
Baldwin married Magileen HAZELTON [MRIN: 1002]. (b. 2 Apr 1873, d. 7 Jul 1930)
+ 111 M vi. Siprian WHITTINGTON was born about 1873 in Louisiana.
+ 112 M vii. Tilden Hayes WHITTINGTON was born on 27 Jan 1877 in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, died on 30 May 1935 in Bunkie, Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana at age 58, and was buried in Pythian Cemetery, Bunkie, Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana.