My Whittington Family
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Third Generation
5. Cornelius WHITTINGTON (John Jr.2, John Sr.1) was born on 24 Apr 1749 in Albermarle County, Virginia and died after 1837 in Liberty, Amite County, Mississippi.
General Notes: (copied from Cornelius Whittington RW pension request)
The state of Mississippi, Amite County: Probate Court of Amite County
On this 17 day of June 1833 Personally appeared aforesaid Court, Cornelius Whittington, Senior of Zion Hill Precinct, in the County of Amity, and State of Mississippi aforesaid, aged 83 years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following Declaration in order to obtain the [benefit of the] provision made by the act of Congress passed June 7th, 1832-- That he entered the service of the Army of the United States in the year 1776 and served in a Company of a militia Regiment of the South Carolina militia and served a period of twelve months, or thereabouts, under the following named officers.
Cornelius married Rebecca GILLIAM [MRIN: 519]. Rebecca was born on 23 Nov 1750 in Albermarle County, Virginia and died in Nov 1837 in Amite County, Mississippi at age 87.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 16 M i. James A. WHITTINGTON was born about 1775 in Cheraw District, South Carolina and died in 1838 in Amite County, Mississippi about age 63.
James married Sarah JACKSON [MRIN: 366] (b. Abt 1780, d. Aug 1855) in 1796 in Georgia.
+ 17 M ii. John WHITTINGTON was born about 1779 in South Carolina and died about 1840 in Scott County, Mississippi about age 61.
John married Chloe MERCER [MRIN: 400] (b. Abt 1773, d. Abt 1817) in 1802 in Georgia.
+ 18 F iii. Mary Louisa WHITTINGTON was born about 1781 in Georgia and died in 1863 in Amite County, Mississippi about age 82.
Mary married Richard WHITTINGTON [MRIN: 423] (b. 15 Jan 1753, d. 14 May 1835) in Apr 1798 in Hancock County, Georgia.
(Duplicate Line. See Person 6)
Mary next married William WHITTINGTON [MRIN: 424]. (b. 1728)
(Duplicate Line. See Person 4)
+ 19 M iv. Aaron WHITTINGTON was born about 1783 in Georgia and died after 1860 in Leake County, Mississippi.
Aaron married Elizabeth CAUSEY [MRIN: 408] (b. Abt 1785, d. 1867) on 27 Aug 1811 in Amite County, Mississippi.
+ 20 F v. Winifred WHITTINGTON was born in 1784 in Georgia.
Winifred married Grief WHITTINGTON [MRIN: 503] (b. Abt 1762, d. Abt 1849) on 15 Mar 1816 in Liberty, Amite County, Mississippi.
(Duplicate Line. See Person 15)
+ 21 M vi. Moses WHITTINGTON was born about 1788 in Georgia and died about 1850 in Poss, Amite County, Mississippi about age 62.
Moses married Elizabeth JENKINS [MRIN: 410] (b. Abt 1789, d. Bef 1840) on 27 Dec 1808 in Amite County, Mississippi.
+ 22 F vii. Sarah WHITTINGTON was born about 1791 in Wilkes County, Georgia and died before 1849 in Scott County, Mississippi.
Sarah married Thomas Eli MERCER [MRIN: 419] (b. Abt 1793, d. Sep 1835) about 1809.
+ 23 F viii. Susannah WHITTINGTON was born about 1793 in Hancock County, Georgia and died after 1860 in Amite County, Mississippi.
Susannah married William CAUSEY Jr. [MRIN: 362] (b. Jun 1785, d. Oct 1867) on 8 Jun 1809 in Amite County, Mississippi.
+ 24 F ix. Rebecca WHITTINGTON was born about 1795 in Washington, Wilkes County, Georgia.
Rebecca married Benjamin HUFF [MRIN: 1051].
Rebecca next married Elisha FREEMAN [MRIN: 422] on 11 Sep 1829 in Georgia.
+ 25 M x. Elam WHITTINGTON was born about 1798 in Georgia.
Elam married Stacy CASSITY [MRIN: 520]. (b. Abt 1808)
6. Richard WHITTINGTON (John Jr.2, John Sr.1) was born on 15 Jan 1753 in Albemarle County, Virginia and died on 14 May 1835 in Amite County, Mississippi at age 82.
General Notes: Resided in Cheraw District South Carolina. After the war to Hancock County
Georgia then on to Mississippi in 1805. Richard was a cousin of Grief and
Jarret Whittington.
(copied from Richard Whittington RW pension request 17 Jun 1833)
He hereby further declares that he has no Documentary evidence of his claim nor can he procure
any testimony of any living witness to the truth of his statement except the annexed Certificate made by
Grief Whittington.
He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to any pension or annuity except the present and
he declares that his name is not on the Pension Roll of any agency in any State.
S/ Richd Whittington
Richard married Mary Louisa WHITTINGTON [MRIN: 423] in Apr 1798 in Hancock County, Georgia. Mary was born about 1781 in Georgia and died in 1863 in Amite County, Mississippi about age 82. Another name for Mary was Mary Louise WHITTINGTON.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 26 M i. Elhannon W. WHITTINGTON died about 1869 in Louisiana.
Elhannon married Thruly Ann WHITTINGTON [MRIN: 555] (b. 1824, d. 1875) on 26 May 1840 in Bayou Chicot, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana.
+ 27 F ii. Lucy WHITTINGTON was born about 1800 and died before 1837.
Lucy married Lowrey ELLIS [MRIN: 1035]. (b. Abt 1790)
+ 28 M iii. Martin Wade WHITTINGTON was born about 1804 in Hancock County, Georgia and died on 3 Jan 1891 in Amite County, Mississippi about age 87.
Martin married Mary Polly FREEMAN [MRIN: 1043]. (b. Abt 1807, d. Abt 1863)
+ 29 F iv. Evalina WHITTINGTON was born about 1812 in Mississippi.
Evalina married Stephen RICHEY [MRIN: 1038]. (b. Abt 1811)
+ 30 M v. Jordan W. WHITTINGTON was born about 1820 in Amite County, Mississippi.
Jordan married Amelia R. WHITTINGTON [MRIN: 374] (b. Abt 1821) on 23 Nov 1848.
+ 31 F vi. Mary K. WHITTINGTON .
Mary married Gray ANDERS [MRIN: 1037].
+ 32 F vii. Mary WHITTINGTON .
Mary married Joseph RUSK [MRIN: 1039].
+ 33 F viii. Caroline WHITTINGTON .
Caroline married Mathew LYNCH [MRIN: 1040].
+ 34 F ix. Nancy WHITTINGTON was born about 1824 in Mississippi.
Nancy married John Crockett FREEMAN [MRIN: 1041]. (b. 10 Apr 1819, d. Abt 1863)
+ 35 M x. Noah WHITTINGTON .
7. Jean WHITTINGTON (John Jr.2, John Sr.1).
8. Robert WHITTINGTON (John Jr.2, John Sr.1) died about 1750.
9. Ephraim WHITTINGTON (John Jr.2, John Sr.1) was born on 27 Mar 1758 in Albemarle County, Virginia and died on 14 Oct 1831 in Crawford County, Georgia at age 73.
10. Bartholomew WHITTINGTON (Edward2, John Sr.1).
11. Burrell Green WHITTINGTON (Edward2, John Sr.1) was born on 15 Feb 1750 and died on 28 Jun 1790 at age 40.
Burrell married Martha WISE [MRIN: 538].
12. Jane WHITTINGTON (Edward2, John Sr.1).
13. Jarratt Jared Jarod WHITTINGTON (Edward2, John Sr.1) died on 15 Dec 1830.
General Notes: Served in South Carolina as a private. Was also a pensioner from Amite
County, Mississippi. Jarrett was a cousin of Grief and Richard Whittington.
State of Mississippi and in Amite County: October 15 1827 (copied from RW pension request)
It is hereby certified that Jorord Whittington formerly a private in the company of Claiborne Hinson and Colonel Samuel Benton's Regiment of South Carolina Militia is rendered him incapable of performing the duties of a soldier by reason of a wound inflicted while he was in the service aforesaid and in the line of his duty.
6th Augt 1827 & is in duty &c
S/ Samuel B. Mark S/ Jarratt Whittington
Jarratt married Mary RHODES [MRIN: 546] in Mar 1798 in Hancock County, Georgia. Another name for Mary is Polly.
14. Penelope WHITTINGTON (Edward2, John Sr.1).
15. Grief WHITTINGTON (Edward2, John Sr.1) was born about 1762 in Albemarle County, Virginia and died about 1849 in Franklin County, Mississippi about age 87.
General Notes: Greif was a cousin of Jarrett and Richard Whittington.
Born in Virginia and raised in South Carolina. May have married in Marion, South Carolina.
He fought in the Revolutionary War and applied for a pension afterwards. He drew his last pension in September, 1848. He must have died soon after.
(copied from Greif Whittington RW pension request)
For the purpose of obtaining the amount of pay Accruing me for the half-year ending on the 3rd day of September 1828, under the Act entitled "An Act for the relief of certain Surviving Officers and Soldiers of the Army of the Revolution" approved the 15th May 1828 I Grief Whittington of Zion Hill Settlement, in the County of Amite, in the State of Mississippi do hereby declare that I was a private Soldier in the South Carolina Troops of the Infantry of the Army of the Revolution in the Continental line, and that I believe that on examination of the proper records, I shall be found entitled, by the Secretary of the Treasury under that act, to the pay of a Soldier in the said line. Witness my hand this 5th day of December in the year 1828.
Sworn to before made the 5th of December 1828
S/ Isaiah Cain, JP S/ Grief Whittington
Grief married Thruly J. SMITH [MRIN: 1052]. Thruly was born in South Carolina and died after 1803.
Grief next married Susanna COX [MRIN: 502] about 1782 in Marion, Marion County, South Carolina. Susanna was born about 1762 in South Carolina and died about 1806 in South Carolina about age 44.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 36 M i. John WHITTINGTON was born on 24 Mar 1799 in Marion, Marion County, South Carolina and died on 24 Sep 1877 in Bayou Chicot, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana at age 78.
John married Sarah NELSON [MRIN: 494] (b. 3 Jun 1800, d. 4 May 1857) on 20 Sep 1817 in Liberty, Amite County, Mississippi.
John next married Angelina FRANQUEZ [MRIN: 495] (b. 11 Oct 1844, d. 13 Aug 1867) on 6 Jan 1859 in Rapides Parish, Louisiana.
+ 37 M ii. Elisha WHITTINGTON was born about 1804 in South Carolina.
Elisha married Malina DALTON [MRIN: 723] on 7 Jul 1824 in Bayou Chicot, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana.
Elisha next married Mary MILAM [MRIN: 454] on 7 Jul 1824.
Elisha next married Lucinda FUTCH [MRIN: 453] (b. Abt 1818) on 18 Jul 1836 in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana.
+ 38 M iii. Nathaniel Green WHITTINGTON was born on 20 Feb 1810 in Amite County, Mississippi and died in Dec 1879 in Bayou Chicot, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana at age 69.
Nathaniel married Delaney Ann BASS [MRIN: 982] (b. 20 Aug 1835, d. 23 Aug 1920) on 3 Jan 1859 in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana.
Grief next married Winifred WHITTINGTON [MRIN: 503] on 15 Mar 1816 in Liberty, Amite County, Mississippi. Winifred was born in 1784 in Georgia. Other names for Winifred were Winnie and Winnie WHITTINGTON.
General Notes: [Walkerxx.FTW]
Winnie was named in her father's will in 1837.