Grasshoppers, Crickets, and Cicada
5/8-1" (15-25 mm). Black to dark reddish brown. Black antennae longer than body; cerci hairy, longer than head and prothorax combined. Wings do not project beyond cerci.
Plant materials outdoors, including seeds and seedlings of wild and crop plants, small fruits, and when available, dying and dead insects.
Common song is a series of triple chirps. Courtship song is a continuous trill at a pitch near the upper limits of audibility for the human ear.
Life Cycle
Female inserts eggs singly deep into the soil. Eggs overwinter in the North, where all unmatured nymphs and adults die of the frost. In the South nymphs and adults may overwinter and produce 3 generations a year.
Undergrowth where there is moderate humidity and protection from night winds and cold.
Throughout North America to Alaska.
This cricket enters houses in autumn, attracted by the warmth. In courtship the male dances about and "sings" to excite the female.