Eel-like fishes and catfishes
To 3'11" (1.2 m); 58 lbs (26.3 kg). Slender; back blue-gray; sides light blue to silvery with scattered dark olive to black spots; belly white; fins olive to dusky. Head wide, flat to slightly rounded above; eyes large, above midline of head; upper jaw overhangs lower; 4 pairs of barbels. Adipose fin present; outer edge of anal fin rounded, 24-31 rays; caudal fin deeply forked.
Rivers and large creeks in slow to moderate current over sand, gravel, or rocks; ponds, lakes, reservoirs.
S. Quebec west to S. Alberta; central and E. central United States. Widely introduced.
The Channel Catfish, a very popular sport and food fish, is harvested commercially in some areas. It is the principal catfish reared in aquaculture..