Handwriting of our Ancestors
Old Style Abbreviations
Some of the writing looks like our modern day shorthand. To save paper and time, abbreviations were used often. Here are some of the things you will encounter:
Lines were often used in abbreviations. They can be found over, under and through any given abbreviation. | |
Smaller letters (both top and bottom) are common. | |
Single and double dots are used in a variety of positions. |
EXAMPLES of Proper Names
Abraham | |
Asa | |
Alexander | |
Andrew | |
Benjamin | |
Charles | |
Christian | |
Christopher | |
Cornelius | |
Daniel | |
Edward | |
Ephriam | |
Ezekial | |
George | |
Francis | |
Henry | |
Gabriel | |
Jeremiah | |
Jerome | |
Joseph | |
James | |
John | |
Jonathan | |
Matthew | |
Micheal | |
Matthias | |
Nathaniel | |
Nicholas | |
Samuel | |
Richard | |
Simon | |
Stephen | |
Soloman | |
Robert | |
Thomas | |
Timothy | |
William | |
Zachariah | |
Senior | |
Junior |
EXAMPLES of Places of Birth
Arkansas | |
Indiana | |
Illnois | |
Kentucky | |
Massachusetts | |
Missouri | |
New York | |
Pennsylvania | |
Tennessee | |
Virginia | |
Unknown | |
Ditto |
EXAMPLES of Occupations
Abraham | |
Cooper | |
Sadler | |
Laborer | |
Sawyer | |
Blacksmith | |
Farmer | |
Wagon Maker | |
Wagonwright | |
Shoe Maker | |
Foreman | |
Magistrate | |
Clerk | |
Well Digger | |
Seamstress | |
Minister | |
Minister MECS - (Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church South) |
Preacher | |
(Anti Missionary Baptist Minister) |