Our Family 
We are a family built on love, loyalty, trust and appreciation of each of our individual characteristics.
Barbara and I started this project many years ago and I continue it in her memory as well as my own needs. I am most fortunate to have a wonderful family consisting of nine children, 25 wonderful grandchildren and 32 beautiful great-grandchildren ( Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren Slidshow ). I also have many close relatives throughout the U.S.. You can find the children, their families and many of our relatives in the "Family Photos" section. You will also find many memories in the photos, especially of those of friends and some who are no longer here in person, but remain in our hearts. I hope you can find some pleasure in this web site. My thoughts are always with each of you and I want to wish you a long and happy future. Please contact me if you can't find what you are looking for on the site.
I want to remind my relatives to check out the Family History section and to contribute information that may be missing or incorrect for our database. You can use the online Family History Form to submit your information. Or click on the link in the menu for the PDF form. Print the form and add your update for the files. Then mail or email it to me.